

First Reaction: Noragami Episode 4

I want the next episode! Seriously! I mean, this episode went by so quickly, and then it ended on a kind-of cliffhanger that MADE ME WANT MORE! Guys, watch this show eventually, I really want to see the next episode! I'm not sure I can wait until Monday...GAH!

Well, I don't really know of what to talk about without spoiling anything, but they've introduced a new character called Yuki at the end of the second episode. Both he and Yato are the best characters of the show, mainly because they're both very interesting, with Yuki being the most interesting. He's not exactly the emotionless character, but he's definitely the cool-headed and serious character, which acts as a contrast to the ever-so-bombastic Yato. Another thing I'm looking forward to is the explanation of Yato's true backstory. They drop hints of it at the end of the fourth episode, and I'd like some more information because it doesn't seem like the Yato we all know and love always existed in the way that he does. WHERE'S EPISODE 5?!

This anime keeps on getting better, and I'm excited to see more of it. Please, Noragami, don't fall flat on your face later on. I'd appreciate it.

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