

Top 25 Anime Openings #15-6

Welcome to Part Two of my Top 25 Anime Openings! The same rules apply, so let's begin.

15. Trigun Opening
DATABASE DATABASE I'M SINGING IN THE DATABASE WHOA-WHOA! Normally I don't like openings that include some sort of rap, but this opening is the exception. It's catchy, fast-paced, exciting, and has an attitude. I couldn't get this opening out of my head if I tried.

11. Ergo Proxy Opening: Kiri
I absolutely adore this opening's song. It's catchy and gets me pumped for whatever I'm about to do, and the visual style is really unique. It's basically everything that makes a phenomenal opening in my eyes, and will remain on my favorites list for quite some time.

9. Gurren Lagann Opening 
Since I haven't seen TTGL yet, I just decided to include all versions of this opening as they all contain the same song. Anyway, this opening is the definition of exciting and fun, which is a lot like the show from what I've heard. The opening also seems hopeful and motivational, as if to raise your hopes up from the ground and say, "Hey, don't be afraid, you can do this!" which is something I haven't really seen in another song. I really like this opening, and can't wait to see the show so I can hear the song in context.

8. Sword Art Online 2 Opening 1: Ignite