

Top 25 Anime Openings: #25-16

Hey, it's HSMediaNerd. Sorry for not posting anything in a while; I've had a lot of homework to do come the beginning of the school year. Don't worry, I'm still working on the book review, but everything that I planned will be pushed back. Anyway, onto this post. To make up for the lack of content, I decided to compile my Top 25 Anime Openings list. I didn't want to make this a video due to copyright purposes, so instead you'll be getting a blog post. There are only four rules:
1. I don't have to finish/watch an anime for its opening to appear on this list
2. These openings are in order due to how many times I've watched them and how much I enjoy them
3. They have to be available on youtube (sorry, F/Z Opening 1; you would be on this list if you were)
4. Only 1 opening per franchise can be included on this list

So, without further ado, let's begin!

25. Fate/Stay Night (2006) Opening 1: Disillusion 
I think that we all know my thoughts on the original F/SN, which is...that it's pretty bad. However, one of its redeeming factors was its soundtrack, and especially this opening. While I didn't really like it at first, it grew on me, as it was easy to sing along to and got stuck in my head very easily. I love its quaint yet mystical atmosphere, giving a sort of calming feeling before the storm, and accompanied by some pretty good animation. So, while I'd suggest waiting for the F/SN 2014 anime, give this opening a shot.

24. Toradora! Opening 1