

First Reaction: Mekaku City Actors Episode 1

Hm…I honestly don't have an opinion so far. 

For one, the first episode didn't really establish anything certain; it was just an introduction to the characters and follows our main character buying a new keyboard. It wasn't really boring, but it wasn't all that entertaining either. I'm still interested as to how this is going to turn out, so I'm still going to follow it. If I do have one problem, the animation isn't really normal Shaft material. The character animation was pretty smooth, but the characters themselves didn't seem very solid or three-dimensional, and the background characters were basically grey blobs. The actual backgrounds were cool, which gave me memories of both Madoka Magica and to some extent Niseoki and Bakamonogatari. I'm starting to think that Akiyuki Shimbo is kind of running out of ideas.

Overall, I will continue watching it. It's interesting, and it has potential. 

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