

First Reaction: Noragami Episode 5

Wow...okay, don't get me wrong, I liked this series to begin with, The ending of this episode...was absolutely heart-breaking. My god...I mean, I knew that this series so far has capable of handling drama, but the drama in this episode is probably some of the best I've ever seen, at least in the short amount of time that it was presented. 

This episode also had probably one of the funniest scenes (at least in my opinion) in anime. So, normal humans can't see Yato and Yuki because they're supernatural beings (well, they offer up a better explanation in the show that makes sense, but just go with it). So, Hiyori decides to look after Yuki because Yato doesn't seem capable of taking care of him. Yato ended up following them home, and when Hiyori's parents arrived, he mimicked their every motion, and the parents didn't notice it. It sounds like the joke's been done before, but the way it's presented had me laughing so hard I had to pause the anime. It's funny how the most comedic scene (so far) is within the same episode as the most dramatic and heartbreaking scene (so far), don't you think?

Moral of the story is, if you aren't watching this anime already or don't plan to watch it (if you don't like to follow anime that are currently airing), PUT THIS ON YOUR WATCH LIST. This show just gets better with each passing episode, and it will take a lot to lower my opinion of it. Heck, even the fan-service character didn't bother me that much (granted, she didn't have much of a presence, but she will in episode 6). I know that a lot of people aren't really noticing this show because of Space Dandy, but seriously; it may not be the most original anime in the world, but it certainly stands out. Please, Noragami, keep up your winning streak.

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