

Top 25 Anime Endings: Part 1

One of the more under-appreciated aspects of anime is the art of the song and ending animation. It makes sense; people are impatient. They skip over an anime's ED immediately so they can watch the next episode. And, if the ED does not catch their attention right off the bat, it's hard to resist the urge to skip it. I used to be very guilty of this, until I started watching airing anime. Granted, some of these EDs are from the days when I did not, but I really began noticing anime EDs when I could not skip to the next episode. This opened my eyes to just how good some EDs can be, and how they hype you up for the next episode, calm you down after an intense battle, or just be plain fun to listen to. Here are my 25 favorites, and I hope from this list you can find your own favorite ED, or be inspired to listen to more of them. With that out of the way, let's get started.

#25: The Heroic Legend of Arslan ED 1

With wonderful artwork and a more fitting song than the opening, Arslan's ED was always a joy to listen to after each episode. The singer's vocals are intense and really get you excited to watch more, and the musical accompaniment is great as well. I just wish the show was not so boring after episode 2, because then I'd have an excuse to watch this more and more.

#24: Waiting In The Summer

This ED's out of here more than anything else perfect placement. To explain what I mean, this ED played at some of the emotional climaxes of an episode, and always accentuated the scene. In fact, I can safely say this ED is the main reason I enjoyed Waiting In The Summer, because even though it's relatively unimpressive visually, the song is so good! Also it caught my attention in the days when I did not pay attention to EDs, which is a pretty big accomplishment.

#23: Code Geass ED 1

I really love the style of music in this ED, since the visuals themselves is basically a compilation of still shots. The song is so intense and dramatic, which is a perfect fit for Code Geass. The artwork also looks nice, even though it's not exactly the most entertaining ED visually. I like listening to it every now and then, for both nostalgic purposes and just for the song.

#22: Beyond the Boundary

I know what you're thinking: "What?! This ED is everyone's favorite ever! Why isn't it higher?" Well, in my opinion, it's still a little too slow for my tastes, but that doesn't mean it's a bad ED by any standard. It's very calming to listen to, and the visuals are outstanding. It also may be that I don't really like the show, but eh. Still a great ED.

#21: Blue Exorcist ED 2

This is an ED that I rediscovered recently, actually. When I watched the show a while ago, I completely ignored it because I wanted to watch the next episode. Well, I regret it, because I really like everything about this ED. The visuals are pretty abstract for a typical action show, and the song is a strange mix of calming and ominous. The use of autotune works in this ED's favor too, which I never thought I'd ever say, but in this case it works.

See you all in Part 2!

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